Grandparenting Tips for 8-12 Months

01 Bonding Time with Grandparents

The time spent with your child between 8 and 12 months will become very enjoyable. They will be more active in their movements, and their language and emotions will also become richer. However, your child may exhibit stranger anxiety and may not appear as enthusiastic towards grandparents. Don't take this behavior personally; it's a normal phenomenon. Continue to show love and attention to your child as before, but avoid being overly attentive due to the child's aloofness. Be patient; the child's apparent indifference will fade over time.

02 Crawling

If your physical condition allows, you should actively engage with your child on the floor as much as possible. Crawling on the floor can be fun and relaxing for the child. If you make yourself the target of your child's crawling and exploration adventures, they will be delighted. However, be sure to carefully check the floor for any safety hazards, as children may pick up small objects and put them in their mouths.

03 Fine Motor Skills

You can design a series of games to exercise fine motor skills for your child: opening or closing items, pouring toys out of a box and then putting them back in, etc. Since repeating the same activities may make the child feel bored, it's best to prepare a variety of activities for them.

04 Language

Continue to interact with your child linguistically by reading stories to them, listening to music together, and engaging in language-based interactions. If you speak languages other than the one the child is learning, don't hesitate to use them in front of the child.

05 Basic Care

Maintaining consistency in your child's diet and sleep routines is crucial. If you don't live with the child, store some baby food at your home, or prepare a special "grandparent's recipe" that the child looks forward to. When the child stays with you, ensure that nap times during the day and bedtime at night remain consistent with their routine at home. Disrupting their sleep patterns may confuse the child.

06 Safety

As mentioned in the "Safety Check" section at the end of this chapter, thoroughly inspect your home to ensure there are no safety hazards. Install child safety gates at the top and bottom of stairs, use soft protective guards on sharp furniture edges, and avoid letting the child use a walker. Additionally, since children at this stage tend to be active and restless, making it challenging to keep them still, it's best to have two adults change their diaper, preferably on the floor or a large bed to prevent falls. You can use a toy they can hold to distract them while changing their diaper. Make sure you have all emergency contact numbers readily available.


