Rules for a 1-Year-Old (2)

Despite your best efforts, sometimes children may break some or even all of the rules you've set. When this happens, you should use a serious expression and tone to let them know you're displeased with their behavior, and then take them to another place. Sometimes, this punishment might be sufficient, but other times, you may need to take additional measures. It's best to think of appropriate ways to handle these situations now while you're calm, and your child is still young. If you're angry, you might not be able to control your temper and might do things you'll regret later. Because in a few years, your child is bound to become even more mischievous.

You must make a crucial commitment to never resort to punishments that will leave physical or psychological scars on your child. Although you need to let your child know when they've done something wrong, it doesn't mean you have to make them suffer. Regardless of the child's age, methods like spanking, slapping, shaking, or yelling are entirely counterproductive and harmful for several reasons. Even if these methods temporarily stop the child's misbehavior, it teaches them that it's okay to hit or shout at others when they're angry. Think of those moms who yell, "I told you not to hit!" while hitting their child—how ironic! This scenario is common and often leads to the same outcome: a child who is frequently hit eventually becomes someone who likes to hit others because they learn from being hit that violence is an acceptable way to express anger and solve problems. Children at this age will mimic anything you do. Physical punishment can harm them. If gentle taps don't work, many parents, in moments of anger and frustration, resort to harsh spanking. Punishment is an extreme way for children to gain attention. Even though it's a bad method and may cause pain, children know they can get their parents' attention through it. If parents are busy and unable to give the child much attention, the child might deliberately misbehave to provoke punishment and gain attention. Yelling at or harshly scolding a child can increase their aggression, lead to behavior problems, and possibly contribute to depression later in life.

Physical punishment is harmful to both children and parents emotionally. It's the least effective method of disciplining children. So, what's the correct and effective approach? The best way to deal with a child who's done something wrong is to briefly distance yourself from them, not pay attention to them, not give them toys, and not play with them. This is known as the "time-out" method, and here's how you can do it:

1.You've already told the child not to open the oven door, but they insist on doing it.

2.Without raising your voice, firmly say, "Don't open the oven door!" then pick the child up, holding them with their back to you.

3.Begin the time-out: have the child sit on your lap facing away from you, holding them until they calm down. The key to this method is to remain calm and firm. Although it's challenging to implement, you still need to react immediately after every rule violation, ensuring that anger doesn't dictate your actions. If, like most parents, you can't succeed every time, don't worry because occasional mistakes are okay. However, you should strive to maintain this approach as much as possible.


