Rules for Babies aged 8-12 Months (1)

A child's curiosity can never be completely satisfied; they will always want to touch, taste, and explore anything within their reach. They are bound to cross boundaries and enter restricted areas. While nurturing a child's curiosity is crucial for their healthy development, you should encourage it as much as possible, but you must not allow them to behave recklessly to the extent of endangering their safety or damaging valuable items. For instance, when a child is studying the fire in the stove or pulling your flowers, you should help them stop such behaviors. Remember, the way you handle these situations lays the foundation for setting rules for the child in the future. Learning to refrain from doing something they strongly desire to do is the first step in self-control. The better your child learns this lesson now, the easier it will be for you in the future. As suggested earlier, redirecting the child's attention can often effectively stop their misbehavior. Since a child's memory is still short-lived at this stage, you can easily divert their attention. For example, when a child wants to go to places they shouldn't, you can pick them up and give them something else to play with, rather than suppressing their curiosity. Absolutely avoid scolding or yelling at the child loudly, and never shake or hit them.

Only when a child's actions might truly put them in danger should you use strict disciplinary measures. For instance, if a child plays with electrical wires, you should firmly say "no" and move them away. However, don't expect the child to learn a lesson from just one or two incidents. Due to their short memory at this stage, you'll need to repeat these rules over and over for them to remember. With such young children, no matter how many times you correct them, never expect them to stay away from danger on their own. You can create a safe play area for them—a completely safe zone with no taboos.

Timeliness is another essential factor in ensuring effective rules. You must react within 5 minutes after the child makes a mistake. If you delay their lesson, they may not understand why you're correcting them, making the lesson meaningless. Similarly, after criticizing them, don't rush to comfort them. Yes, they may cry or feel upset, but wait 1-2 minutes before consoling them so they understand they've done something wrong.


