Baby dental care from 8 to 12 months

By this stage, the child has at least 1 to 2 teeth, or even more teeth. Don't worry if he doesn't have teeth yet. It is normal for babies to have no teeth by 12 months of age. However, once he has teeth, you should start brushing his teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush and a small amount of fluoride toothpaste (about the size of a grain of rice). He may or may not enjoy brushing his teeth. If he refuses to brush his teeth, have him lie on his back on another person's lap while you play with brushing each of his teeth gently. Brush your teeth once a day, before and after. It's best to brush your teeth at night before going to bed because after brushing, he shouldn't eat or drink anything other than water. Allowing him to eat sugary treats at night will undo all your efforts! You could also schedule him for his first dental appointment. A child's first dental visit should be 6 months after the first tooth appears but no later than 1 year old. You should decide which time point comes first based on the actual situation. The dentist may also apply fluoride varnish to your child's teeth. The pediatrician may examine your child's teeth and apply fluoride varnish during a well-child exam, but this does not count as a dental visit.


