1-year-old baby's sleep schedule

Sometimes, breaking the routine and letting the child sleep when tired may seem easier for parents, but it's not beneficial for the child to develop good sleep habits. A consistent sleep schedule is important for a child's daytime and nighttime sleep. You should carefully observe when your child shows signs of sleepiness and then create a reasonable schedule for them. Designing a "bedtime routine" for your child and discussing this routine with them is essential. Whether it's taking a bath, telling a story, or singing a song, the bedtime routine should end with the child quietly lying in bed, saying "goodnight" to them, kissing them, and then leaving the room. Using a comforting item as a transition instead of you staying with the child can be helpful at this age.


Unfortunately, a child's reluctance to sleep on time is not the only sleep difficulty you may encounter. Do you remember what you thought when your child slept through the night for the first time? You might have believed that all sleep problems were solved, but that's not always the case. As parents of toddlers, you should understand that even if your child sleeps through the night for several days, weeks, or even months, they may start waking up frequently at night again, just like when they were newborns.

Changes in lifestyle habits are a common reason for a child waking up at night. Moving rooms, changing beds, losing a favorite toy or blanket, traveling, illness, etc., can disrupt a child's sleep and cause them to wake up at night. However, these should not be reasons for picking up the child or bringing them to your room. Children need to learn to fall asleep on their own, even if it means they cry for a while initially.

If your child is used to receiving a lot of attention at night, you'll need to gradually change this. For example, if you always give them milk when they wake up at night, start by replacing it with water, then gradually stop giving them anything at night. If you always pick them up when they wake up at night, try comforting them from a distance with your voice as much as possible. Ultimately, even if your child resists and doesn't want to sleep, try not to get angry. Stay firm but show them your love. It's not easy, but over time, it will help improve your child's sleep and yours as well.

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