Sleep for babies aged 8-12 months

At eight months old, most babies may still take two naps a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. They may sleep for 10 to 12 hours at night without needing to wake up for milk. However, in the following months, as separation anxiety intensifies, your baby may resist going to bed and wake up more frequently seeking comfort from you.

During this challenging period, it's important to try various methods to find what helps your baby sleep better. Some babies find it easier to sleep with the door open (so they can hear your voice), while others develop habits like sucking their fingers or being gently rocked. Playing white noise can be particularly effective, but the volume should be kept low to avoid harming your baby's sensitive hearing.

To navigate this phase smoothly, if your baby calls for you in the middle of the night, simply check if they're okay and reassure them that you're nearby if they need you. However, avoid turning on lights, comforting or picking them up. You can offer them some water but refrain from giving milk and definitely don't bring them to your bed. Bringing your baby into your bed during separation anxiety can reinforce their resistance to returning to their own bed.

While checking on them, ensure your baby is comfortable and not unwell. Some illnesses like ear infections or colic can flare up at night. Once you've confirmed your baby is not unwell, check their diaper, and if they've soiled it, change it quickly under dim light and place them back in the crib on their back. Before leaving, say comforting words and let them know it's late. If your baby continues to cry, you can re-enter the room after a while to comfort them. It can be tough for parents to hear their baby cry, and you might feel a mix of emotions. However, remember that your baby's behavior is not intentional but a natural expression of anxiety and tension. If you consistently follow the same bedtime routine every day, your baby will eventually get accustomed to it. Many parents opt for wireless baby monitors to observe and listen to their baby's activities in the room. There are various products to choose from, so it's best to research thoroughly before purchasing. This can benefit both your baby and yourself.

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