Rules for a 1-Year-Old (1)

01 Rules for a 1-Year-Old

Raising a toddler can lead to new discoveries, challenges, adventures, and rewards. Before your child was born or when they were still a baby, you might have easily said, "My child won't behave like that," when seeing other children throw tantrums. But now you realize that every child can be mischievous at times. You can guide your child, telling them what behavior is right and wrong, but you cannot force them to strictly adhere to your expectations. You need to face the fact that sometimes, that unruly child everyone is staring at might be your own!

Children at 1-2 years old have limited understanding of what is "good" or "bad," and they may not fully grasp the meaning of rules and warnings. You might say, "If you pull the cat's tail, it will bite you," but such words are completely incomprehensible to the child. Even saying, "Be nice to the cat," might not register with them. Therefore, when a child rushes onto the road or refuses Grandma's kiss, it doesn't mean they're intentionally misbehaving or that you're failing as a parent. They might just act impulsively. It takes several years of firm yet gentle guidance for them to understand how you expect them to behave and develop enough self-control.

02 Discipline is Education and Guidance

Many people think disciplining a child means punishing them, but that's not correct. Discipline is about education and guidance, and punishment is just a part of it; love is the more important aspect of discipline. Your love and respect for your child will teach them to love themselves and others. Your self-control displayed while teaching them right from wrong will serve as an example and help them develop self-control in the future. Ultimately, if you want your child to behave well, you must behave well yourself; this paves the way for your child. When your child does something that pleases you, be sure to praise them, give them a hug, and let them know their behavior is excellent. Additionally, be good at noticing your child's good behavior. Your praise and attention are motivating factors for your child to adhere to the reasonable rules you've set.

Disciplining a child must be appropriate; for instance, positive reinforcement and praise should be given for good behavior, and boundaries should be set to guide behavior in the right direction, letting the child know your expectations. You need to clearly communicate your expectations to the child, and it takes repetition for them to remember. Furthermore, children need to grow through trial and error (often making several mistakes) to fully understand these rules.

If you set too many rules for a child at this age, they may feel hurt and confused. Start with a few rules that are a priority for the child to follow and gradually add more; this makes it easier for both you and the child. The most important rule among them is ensuring their safety, especially as they start walking. Make sure areas that need to be locked are secured with child safety locks so they can explore freely in a safe manner. You must also let them know that hitting, biting, and kicking are not allowed behaviors.

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