Sibling Interaction for 8-12 Months

As the little one's mobility improves, they will be better able to play with their siblings, who are usually eager to play with them as well. Older siblings, especially those aged 6-10, often enjoy building tall towers with building blocks for the 8-month-old to knock down. They also extend a helping hand for the little one to hold onto and assist in learning to walk. An 8-month-old can become a fun playmate for their siblings.

The freedom of movement for the little one allows them to participate more in their siblings' activities but may also lead to them frequently invading their siblings' "territory," which could infringe upon the older child's sense of possession and privacy that they've just established. It could even pose a risk to the little one, as older children's toys often have small parts that the baby might swallow. Providing a closed-off space for the older child to store their belongings can prevent the baby from intruding. This method ensures the safety and protection of everyone involved.

Since children at this stage can reach almost anything in their line of sight, "sharing" becomes another issue. Children under 3 years old are often unwilling to share without adult supervision or intervention. When children play together, it's essential to have adults nearby. You can mitigate the issue of "sharing" by encouraging each child to play with their own toys. When they play together, suggest activities that require minimal cooperation, such as reading together, listening to music, playing catch, hide and seek, or other activities that don't heavily rely on sharing. Remember, older siblings might feel jealous of the baby and also need your attention.

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